'Acne Story'

Sunday, December 27, 2015

Hello there! Sorry I haven't posted in a while have been very busy recently! To make up for it I will be posting a few times over the week. This post is about skin care. I have suffered with acne for 2 years now and it is the most horrible feeling knowing that your skin is not flawless and doesn't look like every models skin, but with hard work and routine it has really improved. I am going to tell you my 'acne story' but i am no where near 'flawless' skin and i know that but i am a lot happier with my skin now than i was 2 years ago. I have recently had a flare up on my skin but this is to do with me being so busy recently that i have been skipping steps when cleansing my face and sometime skipping it in general and going straight to bed (WORST THING YOU CAN DO). It also has to do with what i have been eating recently as it's Christmas and all the quality streets are out my diet has NOT been at its best therefore reflecting in my skin.I should mention that my skin is combination skin type, in the winter it is especially dry, this is to do with the weather and if I get a cold in the winter my nose and lips get really dry like they are at the moment. So here is my current skin routine and some home made remedies I love love love to use.

Firstly I remove all my makeup with micellar cleansing water which I personal love as it removes my makeup so effortlessly and I feel so refreshed afterwards.                                                                                                                

I then move on to exfoliating my face i don't use a branded one I use honey, sugar and lemon and this really works well with removing any dry skin. I DO NOT exfoliate everyday as this is harsh for your skin, i do this about 2-3 times a week.

At the moment i am using two different cleansers; one in the morning which is a light cleanser by simple. Then at night I use the BEST cleanser I have used which is the Bobbi Brown hydrating cleanser. I love it more than anything, its so nice on my skin and it doesn't feel drying to my skin at all!

Next on to toning my skin, yet again i use simple toner. Toning is such an important step, especially for oily skin as you need to strip away any oil off your skin and it leaves your skin less greasy.

Finally I moisturise my skin. Again in the morning before applying my makeup I use the Simple light moisturiser, At night I use the Bobbi Brown moisturiser which again is an amazing product i leaves my skin so soft. it is a heavy moisturiser so at night it is lovely to use, I personally wouldn't use it in the morning if I was going to be applying makeup after.

This was my skin in June 2013 at the time this was 'clear'. Looking back on this makes me realise how far my skin has come and the pain i used to have compared to now. Acne doesn't just look horrible the pain i used to have with my skin like this was horrendous. They were big lumps under my skin that were painful to touch. My skin is not in anyway clear at the moment but a massive improvement.

And this is my skin today, a major improvement but still on the journey to improval!

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